City Manager Blaine Cox will be presenting the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget at the City Council Workshop meeting on Tuesday, April 19.
Following the City Manager’s presentation, the City Council will host a two-day budget retreat at the new Public Works facility, on Chestnut Hill Road.
The retreat will occur on Friday, May 6 from 9:30am until [tentatively] 5pm and Saturday, May 7 from 9:30am until [tentatively] 5pm.
During those sessions, the Council will be presented with information on the operating budgets and capital improvements budgets for City departments.
The presentations will be recorded and then broadcast multiple times on the City’s cable TV channel in the following weeks. The presentations will also be available on-demand via the city’s website.
The public is welcome to attend the budget sessions on May 6 and 7, however, there will be no remote participation for this portion of the process.
A formal Budget Hearing to solicit public input on the FY2023 budget is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, during the City Council Workshop meeting. Public input is encouraged during this Public Hearing as well as in writing in the days before the hearing.
If you are a resident or business owner in Rochester, your input is important. Visit if you’d like to provide public input and make your voice heard during the hearing on May 17.
The FY 2023 budget is expected to be adopted by the City Council in late May, early June.