Due to COVID-19, City Council Budget Meetings will be held in the Community Room at the Rochester Community Center, 150 Wakefield Street. Enter at the Tennis Court side of the building.
The City Manager will present the FY22 Proposed Budget on April 20, with department presentations on the following Tuesdays. The Public Hearing for the FY22 proposed budget is scheduled for May 18. 2021.
Workshop Dates and Times:
April 20, 27 | May 4, 11, 18, 25 | June 1 (Tuesdays at 6:30 PM)
Public Input Options:
In-Person, email, or voice mail. (When permitted, please check the meeting agenda.)
- Mail: City Clerk/Public Input, 31 Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH 03867 (Must be received at least three full days prior to the anticipated meeting date.)
- Email: PublicInput@rochesternh.net (Must be received no later than 4:00 pm of the meeting date.)
- Voicemail: 603-330-7107 (Must be received no later than 12:00 pm on said meeting date in order to be transcribed.)
How to Watch:
Meetings/Workshops will be televised live on Atlantic Broadband channel 26, Comcast channel 22, and live-streamed/archived at www.rochesternh.net/government-channel.