HomeLibraryPublic Library is an 'Ocean of Possibilities' this summer

Public Library is an ‘Ocean of Possibilities’ this summer

“The Children’s Room’s Summer Kickoff is coming right up. Plan a fun time with your family! The good news is that everyone can participate in a Summer Reading Program and win prizes for your logged entries!”

Edited by Stephanie Piro Nolan

Adult Summer Reading Program
The Adult Summer Reading Program is an 18y+ free program that earns you tickets to be entered into a raffle. The program begins on June 13th and will end on July 29th.  Participants must register on the Beanstack website or download the app.  The first 50 participants will receive an Oceans of Possibilities tote bag!   You can read anything and everything, just remember to log the minutes you spent reading to receive raffle tickets.  You can read to yourself or aloud to someone else or listen to an audiobook!  Your raffle tickets can go towards any of the six prizes that will be drawn on July 29th.  The prizes will be posted on the library website and social media on Monday, June 13th.  Good luck and happy reading!

Children’s Room Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading Program kickoff!
Join us outside on the lawn for ice cream, a StoryWalk®, a visit with RPD Community Engagement Officer, Brandon Kimbrough, and our summer shark mascot. Be sure to have your picture taken in the Ocean themed photo booth! Stop by anytime between Wednesday, June 15 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.  Should inclement weather occur we will have a smaller event inside the Children’s Room.

The Summer Reading Program
The SRP theme is “Oceans of Possibility”. The program begins Monday, June 13, and will run for seven weeks until July 24th.  A calendar of summer events will be available toward the end of May at the Children’s Room desk and on the library website. All Children aged 2 and up are welcome regardless of their reading abilities or any other limitations. If you have any questions, please ask us: call 335-7549.

Beanstack logging
We will use Beanstack again this year for logging minutes read. Register on the website
rplnhreads.beanstack.org or download the Beanstack App on the Play or App Store.  Log what you read and be eligible to win prizes.  The program will run for 7 weeks, ending Friday, July 29. All children aged 2 and up are welcome regardless of their reading abilities or any other limitations. If you have any questions, please ask us.

Introduction to Beanstack
Do you want to participate in the library’s summer reading programs? Join us for a presentation on how to use Beanstack, the program being used for all our summer reading programs this year. On Wednesday, June 1, at 3 pm in the community room Jessica will teach us all about using Beanstack to log our summer reading and collect prizes. To register for the class, visit or call the Main Desk at 603-332-1428 ext. 2 or email rplreference@rochesternh.net. If you cannot make it to the class but still want to learn how to use Beanstack, feel free to call and make an individual tech-help appointment for another time.

Ocean themed drawing class for teens
Monday, June 27th, 5:00 p.m. in the Community Room. Join local artist, Vero Stewart, for a 90-minute ocean-themed drawing lesson. This is a free program for teens entering grades 6-12. The class will cover how to draw form from reference, how to create texture, and how to create expressive interpretations of marine animals. A variety of marine life will be sketched for practice, with one final drawing of one creature we all do at the end. Contact YA Librarian, Sarah for more info: sarah.hart@rochesternh.net (603) 332-1428

hoopla Book Recommendation
Main desk Librarian, Stephanie, loves hoopla audiobooks and has this to say about her most recent favorite: “I tend to listen to thrillers and mysteries, especially if the narrator can get my attention right off, and Wicked River by Jenny Milchman and narrated by Susie Berneis fits that requirement perfectly! Ms. Berneis’s narration brings the characters to vivid life in this story. Natalie and Doug Larson are getting married in the Adirondacks. Natalie is a city girl coming to terms with being the wife of an outdoorsman like Doug. Even to the point of agreeing to a honeymoon canoeing through the Adirondack rivers and camping in the woods surrounding them. It sounds romantic and like an ideal getaway, although maybe Bermuda or Hawaii would have been more to her taste. Their story alternates with that of Natalie’s niece who had been at the wedding, and a woodsman named Carl, who has been surviving on his own, since the community he had joined abandoned their back to the woods lifestyle. This story is filled with unexpected twists and turns and will keep you riveted to the very end! And there’s no waiting on hoopla! Log on and start listening!”

Lighthouse Program
Join us for the “New England Lighthouses and the People Who Kept Them” program on Tuesday, June 21st, at 3:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  Everyone knows that there’s “something about lighthouses” that gives them broad appeal, but their vital role in our history and culture is little appreciated. Our early nation was built on maritime economy, and lighthouses were part of the system that made that possible. Due to automation, traditional lighthouse keeping is a way of life that has faded into the past. Jeremy D’Entremont tells the history of New England’s historic and picturesque lighthouses primarily focusing on the colorful and dramatic stories of lighthouse keepers and their families.  To register please visit the Main Desk or call (603)332-1428 ext. 2. Questions? Email Abby at Rplreference@rochesternh.net

New Garden Club
The Library has a new Garden Club! Come join them on Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:30 p.m. for a program on rain barrels and water conservation.

Friends on Summer Break 
The RPL Friends group will meet on Monday, June 6th at 6 p.m. in the Community Room. They won’t meet again until September. If anyone is interested in joining during that time, email rplfriends@gmail.com

RPL Animated Recommendations
Main Desk Librarian (and syndicated cartoonist) Stephanie and Main Desk Librarian, Karyl, has created a series of weekly animated videos recommending books, DVD,s and other titles available at the Library and featuring all-new summer-themed animations. Check them out on our website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.

Tech Help
Have problems with a new smartphone or tablet? Want help setting up Libby or hoopla so you can read or listen to free ebooks and audiobooks? Emerging Technology Specialist, Jessica, is here to help you if you need it! Give us a call to make an appointment at 603-332-1428 or RPLReference@rochesternh.net.

Contacting RPL

  • Please note that the library open hours are: Monday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Thursday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.-5:00pm
  • Visit the Library’s website: https://rpl.lib.nh.us/
  • Email the reference librarian Rplreference@rochesternh.net.
  • Message us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rplnh/ or https://www.facebook.com/RPLChildrensRoom

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