HomeCommunityRochester Public Library: Weekly Update

Rochester Public Library: Weekly Update

The Library always has great displays on each of our floors: the Children’s Room, the Main Floor, and in Reference. Next time you are in to browse, stop and take a look at these specially curated options. 

Springtime Book Displays
It’s almost Easter and we have a variety of wonderful titles on this theme including some beautiful picture books.

It is also Baseball Season and we have a great selection for you baseball fans to enjoy and maybe inspire you to get out and play some ball.

If you can’t make it in person to select your books, just let us know, and we will be happy to choose the titles of either or both of these subjects for your RPL-To-Go pick-up!

Stick Birds – Take It & Make It Craft
Families can pick up a kit through Saturday, April 10th, or until they are gone, whichever happens first. Pick-up times are during library open hours (One kit per child please.)

Story Time To GO: Reserve a pre-packed themed bag with library books, a simple craft idea with directions, and a set of activities by calling 332-1428 x2 or by calling the Children’s Room at 335-7549. Kits are geared for kids age 2 through 6, but the whole family can participate. The new themes for Story Time to Go are: Birds, Bugs, Spring, and Space. Please let us know which theme(s) you would like, and for what age range.

Explosions and Stuff
Are you in the mood for a book that will grab your attention and take you on a thrill ride complete with explosions, spies, double agents, state secrets, and more! Be sure to check out our hot new Main Floor display when you are here to browse (or call and ask us to choose some for your RPL-To-Go). We guarantee you won’t be bored by any of these titles!

Spring Cleaning in Reference
Our latest Reference floor display was curated by our intern, Abby, and it is all about organizing, cleaning, home improvements, and redecorating. With the long winter over, now is the time to take a good look at your living space and see what you think can be done to freshen, improve or declutter it. This display will be located near the Reference Desk.

Garden Plans
If you can’t wait to get out in the garden and start planting a flower, herb or veggie garden, then be sure to explore our large gardening section covering any gardening topic or subject you can think of. Located on our Reference floor, browse in the 635 section and you’ll be sure to find a title to advise you on how to bring your dream garden to life.

Here are a few titles as examples of our collection:
Gardening for butterflies: how you can attract and protect beautiful, beneficial insects by Scott Hoffman Black

Gardentopia: design basics for creating beautiful outdoor spaces by Jan Johnsen.

Essential Perennials by Ruth Rogers Clausen and Thomas Christopher

Seeds: the ultimate guide to growing vegetables, herbs & flowers by Sam Bittman.

The New Gardener’s Handbook: everything you need to know to grow a beautiful & bountiful garden by Daryl Beyers

Downloadable Resources
Go to https://www.rpl.lib.nh.us/downloads to see our downloadable resources and find out how you can enjoy a variety of media, from audiobooks and ebooks to movies and TV shows.

Visiting Appointments
Make an appointment to visit the Library to browse the shelves, read the newspapers or use a computer. Call 332-1428 extension 2 to set up an appointment.

RPL-To-Go is available for anyone uncomfortable choosing books in person. You can request books, DVDs, music CDs, audiobooks, and even magazines. Just place items on hold in our catalog, call 603-332-1428 ext. 2, or email us at rochesterlibrary.togo@gmail.com with your requests.

Contacting RPL
Visit the Library’s website: https://rpl.lib.nh.us/
Email the reference librarian: Rplreference@rochesternh.net.
Message us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rplnh/
or Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rochesterpubliclibrarynh

Edited by: Stephanie Piro Nolan






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