Notice is hereby given that the Rochester City Council will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 31 Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH relative to the following matter(s):
- Resolution Pursuant to RSA 34:1 Establishing a Fire Apparatus Replacement Capital Reserve Fund and Supplemental Appropriation of $500,000.00 in Connection Therewith.
- Resolution Pursuant to RSA 34:1 Establishing a City Buildings Renovations Capital Reserve Fund and Supplemental Appropriation of $500,000.00 in Connection Therewith.
- Resolution Pursuant to RSA 34:1 Establishing a Public Works Apparatus Replacement Capital Reserve Fund and Supplemental Appropriation of $500,000.00 in Connection Therewith.
- Resolution Authorizing $50,000.00 Appropriation from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance for the Creation of a History of Rochester.
- Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Appropriation to the Sewer Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Fund in the amount of $990,000.00 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Secondary Clarifier Project.
- Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Appropriation to the Department of Public Works Sewer Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Fund in the amount of $1,265,000.00 for the Ledgeview Drive Pump Station Upgrade Project.
- Resolution Adopting an FY 2023 Rochester CDGB “Action Plan for the City of Rochester, NH” and Approving and Appropriating the FY 2023 Community Development Budget for the City of Rochester.
Copies of the proposed Resolutions are available in the City Clerk’s Office. Citizens are invited to attend the PUBLIC HEARING(S) and to ask questions or otherwise speak on the foregoing proposal(s).
Persons with disabilities requesting accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at (603) 332-2130 on or before April 19, 2022, to make arrangements.