HAVEN invites all members of the community to the 11th Annual Kids Are Our Business Breakfast on Friday, April 22nd, 2022, from 8:30 am-10:00 am at Portsmouth Country Club in Greenland, NH. This popular breakfast event brings the community together to learn about the research-based violence prevention education programming offered by HAVEN throughout southeastern New Hampshire.
HAVEN’s Safe Kids Strong Teens K-12 Prevention Education programs help to keep kids safe from sexual and domestic abuse, sexual harassment, and teen dating violence. While the focus of our programming is preventing violence, promoting body autonomy, and priming consent, we know that some of the children we see have already been victimized. Our programs encourage children to talk to a grown-up they trust.
At this year’s breakfast, we are pleased to share a video where experts from the field explain what happens after a disclosure of abuse, and the role that HAVEN plays every step of the way.
Visit our Event page at: HAVENNH.org or contact Haley Ferland at (603) 436-4107 or Haley@havennh.org to register to attend.