HomeElectionsInformational Resources Available to Voters

Informational Resources Available to Voters

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The City Clerk would like to remind voters that informational resources regarding the September 8, 2020, State Primary Election are available in the City Clerk’s Office and on the city’s website.

The following polling places are hereby established for the upcoming September 8, 2020 State Primary Election for the City of Rochester. Please note, the polling location for WARD 2 has been changed to Chamberlain Street School.

  • WARD 1: East Rochester Elementary School, 773 Portland Street, East Rochester
  • WARD 2: Chamberlain Street School, 65 Chamberlain Street, Rochester
  • WARD 3: Gonic Elementary School, 10 Railroad Avenue, Rochester
  • WARD 4: McClelland Elementary School, 59 Brock Street, Rochester
  • WARD 5: Rochester Community Center, 150 Wakefield Street/Community Way, Rochester
  • WARD 6: Elks Lodge #1393, 295 Columbus Avenue, Rochester

Further, in accordance with RSA 659:4, and Section 47 of the City Charter – All polling places shall be open from 8:00am to 7:00pm on Election Day.

Rochester polling locations will be following COVID-19 safety guidelines set by the State of New Hampshire.

“Precautions are being made to keep voters and poll workers safe,” according to the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s website. “Personal protective equipment including masks, face shields, plastic table-top screens, gowns, gloves, hand sanitizer, single-use pens and pencils, and writing mats for voting surfaces will be provided in the polling place. Social distancing will be practiced along with sanitation measures recommended by public health officials.”

  • Voters are strongly encouraged to wear a mask. There will be an ample supply on hand; no voter will be refused the right to enter the polling location.
  • Voters must stay six feet apart in line to the Check-in Table. The State of NH only allows a single Checklist. It is not permissible to have separate checklists for unmasked voters.
  • After voters have received their ballot, unmasked voters will vote in a separate area away from masked voters.
  • Each voter will be given their own private folder (which acts as a sanitary shield for their ballot) as well as their own pen, which will be used and disposed of by the voter.
  • Each polling location will have one entrance and one exit.
  • 10 Plexiglas shields will be used at each polling location.

Visit www.sos.nh.gov/elections for more information.

The Rochester City Clerk’s Office is located in Room 105 of City Hall, 31 Wakefield Street, Rochester NH 03867. Email cityclerk@rochesternh.net or call (603) 332-2130 for inquiries and additional information.

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