On Friday, June 30th, the Rochester Police Department responded to a motor vehicle accident on Gonic Road where a vehicle struck a pregnant deer.
As a result of the accident, the mother gave birth to two fawns. Unfortunately, the mother deer and one of the fawns passed away, leaving one helpless orphaned fawn. Police contacted New Hampshire Fish and Game for guidance, and the surviving fawn was sent to a licensed rehabilitator.
Police would like to remind residents that only qualified people with special rehabilitator permits, issued through NH Fish and Game, may take in and care for injured or orphaned wildlife.
Improper care of injured or orphaned wildlife often leads to their sickness or death. Unless you have rehabilitator credentials, it is illegal to have in your possession or take New Hampshire wildlife from the wild and keep it in captivity. For a complete list of licensed wildlife rehabilitators, visit https://wildlife.state.nh.us/wildlife/rehabilitators.html.