On Saturday, March 25th, 2023 at 3 PM, the Rochester Elks conducted their annual Installation of Officers for the 2023-2024 Lodge Year in the Function Hall.
The Installing Officer of the day was Thomas Ducharme, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee. Assisting Thom was Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy and 5th State Vice President Scott Welch, Past Exalted Ruler Mark Guilmett, Past Exalted Ruler and Past District Deputy Jerry Skidds, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee James Clark, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee Bonnie Skidds, and Peter Meyer, Lodge Trustee.
Approximately 90 people were in attendance to witness the ceremony. A delicious pasta meal was served by Lisa Edgerly following the Installation.
Incoming Officers for the new year include Peter Ducharme, Exalted Ruler, Deanna Souza, Esteemed Leading Knight, Jeff Rasmussen, Esteemed Loyal Knight, Keith Brooks, Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Don Chesnel, Esquire, Janice Tagen, Chaplain, Harry Tagen, Inner Guard and Jeanne Bernard, Tiler. Also installed were Norman Gervais, Secretary, Cindy Skidds, Treasurer, and Matthew Sanborn as 5-year Trustee.
As the Installing Officer, Thomas Ducharme had the honor of installing his son Peter Ducharme as the 104th Exalted Ruler of Rochester, NH Lodge #1393. Exalted Ruler Peter will represent the Lodge for the next 12 months as the lead officer and will be the official representative of Elks #1393 at the NH State Elks Convention at the Town and Country Inn, Gorham, NH to be held in May and the Elks National Convention to be held in Minneapolis, MN in July.
The Rochester Elks Lodge currently has over 1000 members and is involved in numerous charitable endeavors as well as veterans, scholarships, drug awareness, youth activities, and patriotic programs. To learn more about our organization, please click here.