Waste Management presented a donation of $5,000 to Rochester Performance & Arts Center (RPAC) to support their new PODS program, offering in-person class time and interaction while schools are in virtual and hybrid learning due to the pandemic.
RPAC began the PODS program when they heard a need from parents returning to work during the pandemic and not having support for their school-age students still learning remotely.
“We’re over the moon to receive this gift from Waste Management,” shared Jen Towle, Director of Education at RPAC. “This will allow us to continue offering full-day programs with activities and tutoring from top-notch instructors, all while being safe during the pandemic. We’re glad we can be here to support our community and are thankful for Waste Management’s continued support!”
“WM is proud to support RPAC and the PODS program,” commented Bob Magnusson, Sr District Manager with Waste Management of New Hampshire. “Education is essential to the growth of the community and this learning opportunity is an exciting option for area youth.”
Rochester Opera House & RPAC strive to educate, engage, empower, challenge, and inspire a community of all ages by presenting extraordinary and culturally diverse theatre, performance art, music, dance, and film on the city’s foremost performing arts stage.
For more information on the RPAC PODS program, please visit our website:www.rochesteroperahouse.com/pods, or call (603) 948 1099.