The Rochester Historical Society (RHS) and Museum, located at 58 Hanson Street, invites you to explore Rochester’s rich history. RHS is open every Thursday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Visit to learn more.
A Message from RHS:
The Board of Directors at the Rochester Historical Society would like you to know that another winter is slowly coming to an end, and we hope to see you any Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Several interesting new displays have been assembled, covering topics such as the Nancy Loud School, antique jewelry, late Victorian greeting cards, and parlor games that were popular in more recent decades.
Dominating our main display and working area downstairs is a recent addition of significant interest: the metal filing cabinets that once occupied a large space in the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall. These cabinets, dating back to roughly 1895, stand about six feet tall and were used to store city records in easily accessible upright drawers. They are truly remarkable pieces of antique office equipment.
At the historical society, we always welcome visitors during our scheduled hours. We enjoy helping you look up old records, view historical photographs, and share stories about life and work in Rochester. We’re always eager to show you items of interest, accept donations related to Rochester’s past, and explain the significance of our display objects.
Online information is also available through Bob Griffin’s frequent and educational podcasts. However, there’s something special about seeing and handling old records and objects in person, and we hope to provide that experience whenever you visit.
If it’s a blustery afternoon, we can easily offer you a spot of tea or coffee in one of our Rochester Historical Society mugs—available for purchase, should you want one!
On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your support and donations. More information about upcoming speaking events will be announced soon.
Ralph Montgomery, President
March 21, 2025