HomeEducationPublic Library, Open World Explorers presents "Breeding Season Backyard Birds" on 7/10

Public Library, Open World Explorers presents “Breeding Season Backyard Birds” on 7/10

The Rochester Public Library, in collaboration with Open World Explorers, presents “Breeding Season Backyard Birds”, an engaging and interactive presentation featuring common and likely breeding season birds found in any backyard in New England.

Attendees will learn identification tips, including recognizing a few birds by their songs. Additionally, the presentation will provide tips on feeding birds to attract the most diversity, along with a bird quiz.

Steve Hale, owner of Open World Explorers, will be leading the presentation. He holds university degrees in marine biology, evolutionary biology, and ecology.

The event will take place in the Community Room on Wednesday, July 10 at 6:00 pm. No sign-up is necessary.

For additional information, contact Programming Librarian Abby Rosselli at (603) 335-7550 or rpl.info@rochesternh.gov.

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