On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, City Council will hold several public hearings before the regular workshop meeting, starting at 6 pm in Council Chambers at Rochester City Hall, 31 Wakefield Street.
- Resolution Adopting a FY 2024 Rochester CDBG “Action Plan for the City of Rochester, N.H.” and Approving and Appropriating the FY 2024 Community Development Budget for the City of Rochester
- Amendments to Chapter 275 and Table 18 Regarding Charitable Gaming Facilities
- Resolution Approving Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget for the City of Rochester
- Resolution Authorizing and Approving Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Capital Budget for the City of Rochester and Authorizing Borrowing in connection therewith
- Resolution for Supplemental Appropriation and Authorizing Borrowing Authority Pursuant to RSA 33:9 to the General Fund Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Fund in the amount of $1,181,343.00
- Resolution for Supplemental Appropriation and Authorizing Borrowing Authority Pursuant to RSA 33:9 to the Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Fund in the amount of $3,939,563.00
Public input from Rochester residents is encouraged. If you are unable to attend in person, there are alternative ways to provide input. Visit www.rochesternh.gov/getinvolved to learn about mail-in and email options.
For more information regarding the upcoming public hearings, contact the Rochester City Clerk at (603) 332-2130 during regular business hours or visit www.rochesternh.gov/city-clerk-elections.